melting pots

美 [ˈmeltɪŋ pɑːts]英 [ˈmeltɪŋ pɒts]
  • n.熔炉(指多种民族、多种思想等融合混杂的地方或状况)
  • melting pot的复数
melting potsmelting pots

melting pots


  • 1
    N-COUNT 熔炉(指不同民族或思想融合混杂的地方或状况)
    A melting pot is a place or situation in which people or ideas of different kinds gradually get mixed together.

    The republic is a melting pot of different nationalities.


  • 2
    PHRASE 仍在变化的;尚未定型的;难以预料的
    If something is in the melting pot, you do not know what is going to happen to it.

    Their fate is still in the melting pot.


  1. New Orleans is one of the great melting pots of america .


  2. These sites are also incredible melting pots , gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work towards a single mission .
